Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Christmas album!

Justin Bieber announces Christmas album

DateAugust 26, 2011

Teen pop star Justin Bieber has confirmed that he is working on a Christmas album. The 17-year-old Canadian singer announced yesterday that he has recorded a collection of yuletide songs - which will be released later this year. Bieber, 
who is currently dating Selena Gomez, took to his Twitter page to tell his followers: "So it's true...been in the studio doing something special for christmas.
We are going to try and raise alot of money this year for charity!" He later added: "Trying to figure out the name of this christmas album. it is special. 
We are going to raise a lot for charity with it. what is a good name?"

Justin pranks Tayler.

Justin Bieber pranks Taylor Swift in new Punk'd.

DateAugust 29, 2011

Teen pop star Justin Bieber has taken over Ashton Kutcher's prankster role in a new version of TV show Punk'd, targeting Taylor Swift in the first episode. The popular hidden camera show is returning with a revamped format, with Ashton, 33, acting as an executive producer, and will feature different celebrity pranksters.
The series kicked off in Los Angeles with singer Beiber, 17, acting as the first celebrity trickster, filming a joke on his 21-year-old friend Swift, according to Access Hollywood. Details of the prank are not yet known.

Justins' videos removed from Youtube.

Justin Bieber videos removed from YouTube.

DateAugust 30, 2011

Teen pop star Justin Bieber's official videos have been removed from YouTube in a copyright claim. A technical glitch wiped several of the 17-year-old singer's videos from the website yesterday after a user named iLCreation took advantage of the site's copyright violation policies. By submitting a copyright claim on Baby and the Canadian star's other videos, iLCreation has been able to have all 'disputed' content erased from YouTube. However, according to US website Gossip Cop, all of Bieber's videos are going back up again and the situation has been resolved. Some of Rihanna's and Lady Gaga's official videos were also similarly removed.

Justin Bieber unhurt after minor car crash.

August 31, 2011
Justin Bieber escaped unharmed after being involved in a minor car crash in Los Angeles.
 The 17-year-old was driving his Ferrari when a collision occurred with a Honda Civic, according to police.
Officers in the Valley area of LA confirmed to Access Hollywood that the Canadian was behind the wheel and was accompanied by a passenger — thought to have been his assistant. There was no injury or damage to either car, authorities confirmed.

Justin Bieber 'Punks' Tayler Swift.

September 1, 2011 Justin Bieber reportedly used Taylor Swift's friendship with his girlfriend Selena Gomez to Punk the country singer. The 17-year-old has taken over from Ashton Kutcher as celebrity prankster on the MTV show, and is said to have lured Swift round to his beach pad by asking her to help him write a song for Gomez. A source told, "Justin called Taylor Swift and asked if she would come over to his beach house and help him write a song for Selena Gomez. Taylor agreed and even asked him to open for her at her show that night at the Staples Center." The Biebs then apparently convinced Swift to help him set off some fireworks in his backyard before making it look like they have actually set fire to a nearby boat where a wedding was taking place. Actors dressed for the occasion then swam up and accused Taylor of ruining their big day. "Taylor didn't start crying but was very freaked out and was like 'OMG I'm so sorry!' Justin was trying to downplay the situation. When he said she'd been punk'd she started laughing and said, 'How could you do this to me?!'" the source added.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber - Ladies Love Me (Boy In Detention)

Justin Bieber.

I was to his concert in Denmark the 1th april. And I'll never forget it. It was amazing!
Have you ever been to a one of his concerts?